Capital Campaign

Purchase Your New Home or Expand Your School

ISPG has raised over 80 million of dollars for school projects and can lead your small or large school through a process of discovery that will enable you to determine how much funding may be available for your school’s future initiatives such as:

  • Funding property purchases

  • Construction of new facilities

  • Expansions or amalgamations

  • Insuring the long term capital repair and replacement of buildings and equipment

  • Providing funds for curriculum expansion and new programs

Only we have the financial instruments and sophistication that can help your school to raise funds like the following:

  • K-12th grade Sudbury Valley School with enrolment of 43 – $1,200,000

  • K-12th faith-based School with enrolment of 535 – $9,000,000

  • K-12th college preparatory school with enrolment of 760 – $7,000,000

  • Pre-school to 10th Montessori school with enrolment of 110 – $3,000,000

  • K-7th grade faith-based School with enrolment of 210 – $1,575,000

  • Pre-school to 8th grade Montessori with enrolment of 43 – $2,100,000

  • K-8th grade fine arts school with enrolment of 40 – $2,000,000

  • Pre-school to 10th college preparatory school, enrolment of 140 – $3,500,000

Email call 1-800-884-0989, or reach out via our Inquire Now form to discuss your school’s needs or to obtain additional information.

I would again like to emphasize the gratitude of all of the families involved in the purchase of the school.

Without your help, we would no longer have a school for our children.

Randy L. Board Chair – Montessori School, Preschool – 8th, enrollment 100  

The Feasibility Study

Attitude, perception, mood of supporters and their relationship to the school are intangibles that will impact the success of a campaign. A Feasibility Study will provide insights into those critical intangibles that need to be addressed prior to embarking on and during the demanding journey of a capital campaign. Campaign preparations based on the Feasibility Study findings will determine if a strong campaign start is achieved and if a vibrant campaign race to the finish is sustained.

A Feasibility Study will provide insights and answers to the following key issues:

  • Who are the finest leaders to lead a campaign?

  • To what degree does the constituent base support the Vision for the future of the school? Does the proposed project match the priorities of the support base?

  • How realistic is the financial target, and what potential is there to achieve the amount?

  • How willing are people to support the proposed capital campaign?

  • What priority do people have for giving to this project?

  • What potential leadership gifts are available for the campaign?

  • Are there unresolved issues that could impact campaign success?

  • What are the key strengths that the school should emphasize during a campaign?

  • What are the key constituency groups, and what messages are important to communicate to each?

  • What advice, insights, and feedback would school families want to share with Leadership?

Investment in a Feasibility Study is critical to preparing well for your campaign and in conducting the course of daily campaign activity. Leadership can best direct the campaign through careful consideration of the report findings. As professional campaign counsel who has conducted many capital campaigns, we fervently endorse the benefits of a Feasibility Study in assisting leaders to make the most informed decisions for their school as they consider embarking on the emotional journey of a campaign.

Start your process of discovery with the Feasibility Study, the first step in determining the potential that lies within your school community!