Enrollment Management
Student Recruitment Solutions for Every School
At ISPG we have been producing outstanding results for schools’ enrollment management/student recruitment needs for over 25 years. Simply put, if you implement the specific recommendations for your school, you will achieve your enrollment goals. If you are wanting a long-term solution or something shorter term, we have a solution for every size of school and budget.
Level One
Strategic Enrollment Management Plan – Our most comprehensive package.
Long term internal and external marketing strategy with best practices to increase inquiries, increase admissions efficiency, reduce attrition, significantly reduce your external media spending and cost of student acquisition.
Weekly Zoom meetings to provide project updates, training and troubleshoot for the first three months, monthly meetings for the final 3 months.
Unlimited access via scheduled Zoom meetings, text, email or telephone calls throughout the duration of the contract.
Project duration: 6 months.
Student Recruitment
Development of key messaging
Integration of key messaging
Implementation of tried and tested practices, activities and mechanisms to engage new families
Development of content, process and strategies required to provide the school with a head start over competitors
Review of the school’s admissions/retention processes
Alignment with key messaging
Introduction of Admissions/Retention processes best practices
Professional development training for those in Admissions/Retention to significantly increase
enrollment closing ratios, reduce attrition
Digital Media Management
Creation of all digital media ads and content
Targeted distribution
Develop demographic and geographic profiles
Assessment processes and tools
Adjustments to the campaign as required
Oversight over all media placements copy and content
Level Two
Student Recruitment – Outreach to targeted new families only.
External marketing strategy to increase inquiries, reduce cost of acquisition
Weekly Zoom meetings to provide project updates and troubleshoot for the first month, biweekly meetings for the second month, monthly meetings for the final two months.
Project duration: 4 months
Website Optimization
Optimized to maximize new family inquiries and presentation of the school’s messaging, offering, and value proposition.
Navigationally adjusted to attract and keep viewers on the website longer with engagement opportunities for applications, inquiries and outreach
Best practices tools to integrate digital media campaign
and optimize the admissions process.
Student Recruitment
Development of key messaging
Integration of key messaging
Implementation of tried and tested practices, activities and mechanisms to engage new families
Development of content, process and strategies required to provide the school with a head start over competitors
Digital Media Management
Creation of all digital media ads and content
Targeted distribution
Develop demographic and geographic profiles
Assessment processes and tools
Adjustments to the campaign as required
Oversight over all media placements copy and content
Website Optimization
Optimized to maximize new family inquiries and presentation of the school’s messaging, offering, and value proposition.
Navigationally adjusted to attract and keep viewers on the website longer with engagement opportunities for applications, inquiries and outreach
Best practices tools to integrate digital media campaign
and optimize the admissions process.
Level Three
Advertising Placement and Assessment – Widely distributed digital marketing campaign only.
Short term strategy to increase inquiries, reduce advertising spend.
Weekly Zoom meetings for the first month to provide project updates, biweekly meetings for the second and third months.
Project duration: 3 months
Digital Media Management
Creation of all digital media ads and content
Targeted distribution
Develop demographic and geographic profiles
Assessment processes and tools
Adjustments to the campaign as required
Oversight over all media placements copy and content
Email info@ispginc.com call 1-800-884-0989, or reach out via our Inquire Now form to discuss your school’s needs or to obtain additional information.